Bird Food


      Buy Bird Food on Smiling Pets

      At Smiling Pets, we understand the diverse dietary needs of not only our feathered friends but also your beloved furry and aquatic pets. Our extensive range of bird food includes seeds, pellets, and special blends for different bird species, ensuring that your pet gets the perfect balance of nutrition and taste. Additionally, we offer a variety of premium pet food options including high-quality dog food and nutrient-rich fish food, catering to the unique dietary requirements of each animal.

      Shopping at Smiling Pets is a breeze. With our easy-to-navigate aisles and clear labeling, you'll find exactly what you need in no time – whether it's bird food, dog kibble, or fish flakes. Plus, our competitive pricing and frequent promotions mean you get the best value for your purchase across all pet categories.

      We're confident in the quality of our products. If your feathered, furry, or finned friend doesn’t take to the new diet, bring it back! Our hassle-free return policy ensures that you and your pet are always happy with your purchase.

      At Smiling Pets, we're committed to providing the best for your birds, dogs, and fish. Come and discover our world of avian delights and more today!
      In this section we are discussing about Bird Food:

      Type of Bird Food

      Bird Seed:

      Bird seed is a staple in bird feeding, catering to a wide variety of bird species. It usually consists of a blend of different seeds, such as millet, sunflower, and safflower, each attracting different types of birds. Bird seed can be used in various feeder types and is essential for backyard bird enthusiasts looking to attract a diversity of birds. It's important to choose the right mix to cater to the specific bird species in your region.


      Suet is a high-energy bird food made from animal fat, often mixed with seeds, grains, and fruits. It's especially popular in colder months, providing a vital energy source for birds. Suet is typically offered in special feeders and is beloved by woodpeckers, nuthatches, and starlings. It's a great way to attract a variety of birds and provide them with the essential fats they need for survival.


      Nectar, primarily used to attract hummingbirds, is a sweet liquid solution that mimics the natural nectar found in flowers. It's typically made of a sugar-water mixture and can be offered in specially designed nectar feeders. Providing nectar in your garden is a fantastic way to enjoy the vibrant presence of hummingbirds, but it's crucial to maintain cleanliness to prevent the spread of disease among these delicate birds.


      Mealworms are a protein-rich food source that is particularly appealing to insect-eating birds like bluebirds and robins. They can be offered live or dried and are excellent for attracting birds that might not typically visit seed feeders. Mealworms are an excellent supplement, especially during breeding season when birds require extra protein

      Sunflower Seeds:

      Sunflower seeds are one of the most popular bird foods and are highly favored by a variety of birds. They come in two main types: black oil and striped. Black oil seeds have thinner shells and higher oil content, making them ideal for smaller birds. Sunflower seeds can be offered in almost any type of feeder and are a great all-around choice for bird feeding.

      Bird Feeders:

      Bird feeders are devices used to supply food to birds. The design varies greatly depending on the type of food and the birds it aims to attract. From tube feeders for seeds to flat trays and nectar feeders, each has its unique purpose. Choosing the right bird feeder is essential in attracting a diverse range of birds and ensuring they can feed safely and comfortably.

      Wild Bird Food:

      Wild bird food is formulated to meet the dietary needs of various wild bird species. It often includes a mix of seeds, grains, nuts, and sometimes dried fruits or insects. This type of bird food aims to mimic the natural diet of wild birds and is perfect for those looking to attract a variety of birds to their gardens.

      Parrot Food:

      Parrot food is specially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of parrots. It usually includes a mix of seeds, pellets, nuts, and dried fruits, providing a balanced diet. Parrots also benefit from fresh fruits and vegetables. It's important to choose a high-quality parrot food that doesn't contain artificial colors or preservatives.

      Canary Seed

      Canary seed is specifically designed for canaries, small songbirds known for their vibrant colors and melodies. This type of seed is typically a blend of canary grass seed, millet, and other small seeds. Providing a balanced diet for canaries is crucial for their health and well-being, making the right seed mix essential.

      Finch Food:

      Finch food caters to the unique dietary requirements of finches. It typically includes a blend of small seeds, such as nyjer and millet, which are easy for these small birds to eat. Finches are attracted to feeder types that allow them to perch or cling while eating, so pairing the right food with the appropriate feeder is key to attracting these delightful birds.

      Bird Feeding Station:

      A bird feeding station is a setup that allows multiple feeders to be hung in one location. It often includes hooks for hanging feeders and trays for water or additional food. A feeding station can attract a wide range of birds and makes for an excellent focal point in a garden for bird watching.

      Peanuts for Birds:

      Peanuts are a nutritious and energy-rich food source for birds. They can be offered whole, crushed, or in the form of peanut butter. Peanuts attract a variety of birds, including titmice, woodpeckers, and jays. It's important to use unsalted and unflavored peanuts and offer them in a mesh feeder to prevent choking hazards for smaller birds.

      Bird Food Recipes:

      Bird food recipes allow bird enthusiasts to create their own bird food mixes at home. These recipes can be tailored to attract specific bird species and can include a variety

      of seeds, nuts, and fruits. Homemade bird food recipes are a great way to ensure the use of natural and healthy ingredients.

      Bird Nutrition:

      Bird nutrition is crucial for the health and well-being of birds. A balanced diet for birds typically includes seeds, fruits, vegetables, and protein sources like insects. Understanding the nutritional needs of different bird species is essential for those keeping pet birds or feeding wild birds in their backyard.

      No-Mess Bird Seed:

      No-mess bird seed is a type of bird food designed to reduce waste and cleanup around feeders. This seed is often hulled, meaning the shells are removed, so birds eat the entire seed. No-mess mixes are ideal for keeping feeding areas tidy and are especially beneficial in urban settings or patios.

      Organic Food for Bird:

      Organic bird food is made from ingredients that are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. This type of bird food appeals to those looking for a more natural and environmentally friendly option for feeding birds. Organic bird food can be found in various forms, including seeds, pellets, and suet.

      Bird Food Bulk:

      Buying bird food in bulk is a cost-effective way to maintain a steady supply of food for bird feeding enthusiasts. Bulk bird food often comes in large bags or containers and can include seeds, nuts, and other bird favorites. It's ideal for those who feed birds regularly and want to ensure they always have a supply on hand.

      Gourmet Bird Food:

      Gourmet bird food refers to high-quality mixes that often include a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, and sometimes gourmet ingredients like dried vegetables or exotic seeds. This type of bird food is designed to appeal to specific bird tastes and often targets more discerning bird species.

      Bird Treats:

      Bird treats are special food items given to birds in addition to their regular diet. These can include fruits, nuts, millet sprays, and specially formulated treat sticks. Treats are a great way to provide variety and enrichment to a bird's diet, both for pet and wild birds.

      Insectivore Diet:

      An insectivore diet is essential for birds that primarily feed on insects. This diet includes live or dried insects like mealworms, crickets, and larvae. Providing an insectivore diet is crucial for the health of certain bird species and can be especially important during breeding and migration periods.

      Bird Food Pellets:

      Bird food pellets are a formulated diet for birds, designed to provide a balanced nutritional profile in each pellet. They are often used for pet birds to ensure they receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Pellets can come in various flavors and sizes, catering to different bird species.

      Fruit for Birds

      Fruit is a natural and healthy food source for many bird species. Offering fresh or dried fruits like apples, oranges, and berries can provide essential nutrients and variety in a bird's diet. It's important to offer fruits in moderation and ensure they are pesticide-free.

      Bird Food Dispenser

      A bird food dispenser is a device that automatically dispenses bird food. These can be particularly useful for ensuring a consistent food supply for birds. They come in various designs, some of which are capable of regulating the amount of food dispensed, helping to maintain a clean and orderly feeding area.

      Bird Food for Winter

      Bird food for winter is designed to provide high-energy sustenance to birds during the colder months. This often includes suet, peanuts, and seed mixes rich in fats and oils. Providing the right food during winter can be critical for the survival of birds, especially in areas with harsh winter conditions.

      High-Energy Bird Food

      High-energy bird food is formulated to provide a quick and dense source of energy for birds. It often includes ingredients like suet, nuts, and oil-rich seeds. This type of food is especially beneficial during breeding season, migration, or in colder climates where birds need additional energy to maintain their body temperature.